If you need to raise funds for an important cause, then your group should consider custom printed t-shirts. Think about how many people can be reached by just a few people wearing a t-shirt. Here are some tips for planning your t-shirt fundraiser.

Donation Levels

It is popular for organizations to provide t-shirts to those that donate a set amount of money or time to a project. After you determine the total cost per unit for printing and obtaining your t-shirts, you can set a donation amount. The amount is often more than the retail value of a shirt. Just be sure not to set your donation amount too low. It is amazing what a great shirt can do for a cause!

Selling Shirts

After a fundraiser, it can be a good idea to have shirts just available for sale via an online store or at your office. Shirts can be printed quickly, so it is easy to always to have a good supply available. Advertising your shirts via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets is a good idea to increase sales. As well as occasionally having a sale.


It is important to have a variety of sizes available, so plan accordingly. After you determine who will need a shirt at your organization, make sure to get a wide range of sizes printed to increase your sales and donation potential.

Printing Your Shirt

Epic Promos can also create custom t-shirts for small business uniforms which are often a good solution for the staff of nonprofit groups. We are ready to help you design the perfect custom t-shirt design for whatever purpose you need it for.